“Wushu Popularity Award” result

The “Online Wushu Popularity vote” of the 2021 International Taiji Kungfu Online tournament has ended successfully! Different from the Wushu Skills competition, the Purpose of “Online Wushu popularity Award”is: To share happiness and celebrate achievements and results; strengthen the social bond in wushu community and between friends and families; Spread wushu culture and maintain good health and wellness. This is the first attempt of the organizing committee to interact in an international online Wushu community. More than 900 participating athletes from various countries can participate. The online voting has been enthusiastic, especially in the epidemic environment. This Wushu Online event has enhanced people’s communication and interaction, Health and friendship!
Among the top 30 athletes ranked in online voting, the competition organizing committee selected the following participating athletes who win the ” Online Wushu Popularity Award” of this event by referring to factors such as online voting and Event categories. They are: Chen, Meiying (Malaysia) Won 132,263 votes in the Tai Chi event; Karim Ait Zerrouk (Algeria) received 8410 votes in the Tai Chi Weapon event; Li-Chieh Wang (USA) received 115,315 votes in the traditional Kungfu event; Eugene Ho (USA) received traditional Kungfu Weapon event Won 91620; Randolph Liao (USA) won 89309 votes in contemporary wushu weapon event. The contemporary wushu Hand form event has no athletes in the top 30 vote. So, there is no selection.
The above participating athletes will get a “The Dragon Well Taiji or Wushu Sword” sponsored by the “www.kungfudirect.com”.